Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Ideas for stories usually come to me at the strangest times. I could be in the shower, washing my hair when a name comes to me, and then the premise of what could be a story involving the person in my mind. Usually I end up scrambling to get the idea down so I won't forget it since I am working on other stuff. Other times, I'm in bed when the inspiration strikes me for another story. I'm very random that way.

I'm curious to know how you get inspiration? Where do your writing ideas come from?


  1. The three biggest sources for me are showers, sleeping (or lying in bed trying to sleep), and taking walks.

    Generally, whenever writing down notes is inconvenient lol ;-)



  2. The three biggest sources for me are showers, sleeping (or lying in bed trying to sleep), and taking walks.

    Generally, whenever writing down notes is inconvenient lol ;-)



  3. This is funny because just last night I had to holler from the shower. "Boot up my laptop!!" I had an idea for a YA novel hit me out of the blue. Very odd. Glad I'm in good company. :)
