Thursday, December 30, 2010


It's late, it's almost the last day of the year and for some reason I got to thinking about book reviews.

Before publication I never put much thought into them. On occasion if I loved a book I would take the time to post a quick review on Amazon mainly because I thought it was a good thing to share my love of the story contained within the pages with others.

As a author I like being reviewed, and yes I've had a couple of less than positive ones, but I think that comes with the territory and you just have to develop a thick skin and get over it, remembering that it's all subjective in the end anyway.

So this all leads me to my question: Do you leave reviews?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Writing Game

I sent off my requested three chapters to Harlequin last night after spending ages tweaking them. To say the least when I pressed send I was relieved to have it done and over with.

Writing for me is a mixture of love and hate and often I find myself wanting to pull the hair out of my head, especially when it comes to passing edits back and forth.

While I love the creative part of writing, I can't say I love the whole process like some writers do.

So, as I sit here now with second round edits sent off for my latest contracted novella and a submission package send to Harlequin. I am a nervous as heck. Being a nervous person by nature I've come to expect this reaction. And when I want something bad, it makes things worse.

For romance, HQ is the ultimate dream. Let's hope that it becomes a reality. *fingers crossed*.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Winner Christmas E Book Giveaway

The winner of an e copy of A sordid Situation is Kathleen Roberts. Kathleen please forward your email to me at

If you have a Kindle I can gift you a copy. I also have other formats available, just specify what you would prefer. Congrats! :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Christmas Giveaway

To celebrate the joy of giving, I'm giving away a copy of my e novella, A Sordid Situation.

If you want in on the drawing which will take place on December 27th, just leave a comment. A name will be drawn at random and the winner will be notified on the blog.

Merry Christmas :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Erotica VS Porn

I have another novella coming out in January 2011. It's very erotic with explicit sex scenes. This is new territory for me. Most of my sex scenes have been behind closed doors or warm versus what I consider to be hot.

So what's your opinion? If there a fine line between erotica and porn?