Thursday, December 30, 2010


It's late, it's almost the last day of the year and for some reason I got to thinking about book reviews.

Before publication I never put much thought into them. On occasion if I loved a book I would take the time to post a quick review on Amazon mainly because I thought it was a good thing to share my love of the story contained within the pages with others.

As a author I like being reviewed, and yes I've had a couple of less than positive ones, but I think that comes with the territory and you just have to develop a thick skin and get over it, remembering that it's all subjective in the end anyway.

So this all leads me to my question: Do you leave reviews?


  1. I leave ratings and the odd single sentence review for most books, and save the longer reviews for books I really liked. :)

    Oh, and friends' books get a longer review too.


  2. I never used to read or leave them. I only started when I began reading AWer books. Now I've added & do a "Pimp" post as well on my blog to really try to help spark interest. I know I wanted reviews when my book got going - I try to return the favor :)
