Another year has passed by pretty darned quickly, and soon the holiday season will be here. I don't make resolutions for the coming year, but I have started my Christmas shopping.
I'm not one to do things last minute. And I have to admit that I do most of my shopping online. The selection is better than most stores around here, and the prices are often a heck of a lot cheaper. The hubs and I don't spend a lot on each other so that also makes things easier.
Once again this year I plan on giving a little extra to our local food-bank. It's a charity that I faithfully support since I've known people personally who have had to use it. It's my wish this upcoming season that more people do a little good in this world. Remember a little can go a long way even if you think what you can do is minuscule.
On the writing front it's been slow-going. I'm working on some non-romance. It isn't m/m either or remotely erotic. We shall see how that turns out, but the fact is that I have not been writing much period. The day job has been all consuming, and since it is the money maker at this time, I have to dedicate most of my time to it.
I hope all is good and well with everyone.