Tuesday, December 18, 2012

On Christmas and the End of Another Year

Growing up, my family didn't go big with Christmas. We decorated, and had the usual turkey along with all the trimmings. But that was it except for visiting some of our extended family. I guess that tradition has continued on with me and my husband.
Above is our small tree in all its holiday splendour! Our apartment is a little on the small side. We don't have the room for a big one, so we make the best use out of our limited space. We will do Christmas dinner with the turkey. And of course, we'll probably end up eating too much, and complaining about it later.
I'm working throughout Christmas, but it's my year to work. I look forward to having it off again next year. Many people would dread working through the holidays, but in my line of work we never close for anything.
When this time of the year rolls around, I often stop and think about years gone by. Some memories are happy while others are not. It's a case of taking the good with the bad, and I always remind myself that I have a lot to be thankful for. There is so much pain in this world. My life isn't so bad. I have a job, a place to live with food, and I do have my family. My health is getting better, so really, what else does a person need?
When I look back on my writing career over the past year, I'm thankful for each word written. Some releases have sold extremely well. It still amazes me to think that there are readers out there buying my stories. I don't think that feeling will ever go away.
This coming year I plan to break out further with my writing. And while I will still write erotic romance, I'm planning to go back to my roots to pursue other genres that I have long loved. I'm excited and looking forward to seeing what's around the next corner. Let's hope it's a wonderful year for us all.
Thank you one and all for your support. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New year,

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Menage Giveaway Winner

The winner of my Christmas Menage Giveaway is leann! Congrats, leann. Thank you for taking the time to enter and I hop you enjoy the books! Merry Christmas!

Evernight Holiday Blog Hop Winner(My entry)

The winner of my entry in the Evernight Holiday Blog Hop is Heather Geoffries. Congrats, Heather. Thanks for taking the time to enter and good luck on the big draw for an iPad 2!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Evernight Holiday Blog Hop

Welcome to the Evernight Holiday Blog Hop!
We love the holidays, we love making our readers happy and we love giving away swag. What better way to do that than to hold a blog hop?

Here's how it works... the more blogs you hop to (shown below) the more chance you have of winning prizes. Each site on the hop is offering a prize and Evernight is offering an iPad 2 as the grand prize! To be in with a chance of winning the site prize simply follow the blog you're visiting and leave a comment which includes your email address. Each entry on each blog is then counted towards the grand prize draw. The more entries you have, the better your chance of winning that iPad 2! You also get extra points for liking the Evernight Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/#!/evernightpublishing. Just make sure you let us know in the comments that you've done so.

Happy hopping!
I'm giving away a couple copies of my Evernight releases as follows. Please leave a comment to enter to win. Also, please leave your email address so we can contact you in case you do. This is a must! Good luck and Happy Holidays!
The books up for grabs are:
When bad boy, Brandon, moves to eighteen year old Jace's small-town, Jace’s life is suddenly turned upside down.

During the last year, Jace has experienced a lot of loss. His dad's untimely death in Afghanistan and his mom's subsequent nervous breakdown have left a lasting impact on him, and meeting Brandon gives him hope for the future. Jace is ready to make big changes in his otherwise mundane life. He's at a pinnacle and can’t help but think what it would be like to come out.

Brandon's life has been nothing but chaos from day one. That is until he meets straight-laced Jace. Jace stirs feelings within him that are new and exciting. And after a hot unexpected night together, he’s left with questions that desperately need answering.

As their feelings grow for each another, they come to a bridge that must be crossed. Is their love enough to keep them together or will their differences tear them apart?
Darren Johnson never had much liking for his boss, Jensen Brookes. But when the two are thrown together on an impromptu business trip, they start to get to know each other for the first time and there's no denying that there's a strong mutual attraction between them.

After a hot encounter, both men have to return back to the office and their otherwise mundane lives doing their best to keep their feelings in check.

A line has been crossed and their professional relationship has changed into something much deeper. Could it be just lust or possibly love?

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